Boy, did this piece ever bring up a lot of stuff. It provoked sad and, fortunately many more, happy memories. I too often think about the precariousness of life. Here one minute and gone the next. Everytime I read about someone in their 60s or 70s dying, I calculate their age compared to mine. Not fun. But it helps me realize how precious every moment is and how this is the moment to treasure and live.

I treasured reading the part about our high school community and how much we meant and did for each other. We were young, sometimes foolish, but at the same time I think we were wise and grateful beyond our years. That song we sang in the quad (of course I listened to Bing Crosby sing it) says so much about how we cared for, respected, and admired each other. Having a tight group of friends from high school has meant so much to me both then and now.

When I think about the dreadful state of the United States and the world, which is often, my friends and family bring me the most comfort and peace. We were and are so fortunate.

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I hope you weren't too upset by the essay; at least that wasn't my intention. The week prior was a week of deep dives back into those high school days which brought up a lot for me too. That on top of all the news of the world which has been really sobering. I have been trying hard to focus on activities and the people that bring me joy. Also: music, gardening, walking, cooking. And writing and reading of course! One friend suggested hanging out with young people, which you and I both know is always a tonic and love to do. Thanks for commenting! I always appreciate your thoughts!

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23 hrs agoLiked by Sabrina Simpson

Absolutely lovely Sabrina. Your exquisite words created fleeting vivid images that seared upon my heart. Thank you!!!

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Thanks Beth! So much of it was precipitated by conversations we have been having the past week, so know your heart is woven in there too.

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Sep 20Liked by Sabrina Simpson

Thank you, Sabrina, for that heartfelt expression of your commitment and connection to our high school friends, and to fellow mortals generally. I share your sadness and your hopes.

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Thanks Tim. It was absolutely straight from my heart, that is true. Glad to hear you share the hopes. Sorry to hear of your sadness too, but I think (hope!) it shows we still embrace our humanity and empathy.

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Sep 19Liked by Sabrina Simpson

This one really grabbed me by the heart and soul. I made a profoundly life altering choice as a 12 year old to leave home. The result was to find you all at school and live in the midst of a most proactive and progressive hive of lives and minds I would not have found in high school otherwise. I was permanently shaped to live a striving life not for myself but always thinking of others, and I sure like it that way. Thanks for shining this light on all the precarious various paths taken from the nexus our school days. May you enjoy your own existence for many more years and reunions to come. 😎

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Aww, thanks so much Carol. It was a transformative time in our lives, to be sure. I hope to be around for awhile too. And of course to see you along the way!

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Such a poignant piece, Sabrina. Like Lisa, the lines 'life in general seems to be fleeting and cobweb thin. A very precious gossamer holding us together...' really resonated. We have this image, don't we, that cobwebs are so thin and that they will stretch to breaking in moments.

In fact, we need to remind ourselves almost daily that cobwebs can take enormous strain and if we continue the idea of the world being wrapped in cobweb, that it is in fact a good thing. Firm swaddling - everything will be okay.

That's not to deny the finality of those moments when the cobwebs can hold together no longer and it's then that we are saddened with loss.

Your post has made me sit down and write letters this evening to those who matter in my life - time is of the essence and its important to let those who matter know how important they are in the scheme of things.

Thank you so much for such a tender post.

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Yes, I considered the choice of using the spider web, as like you, I know how strong they really are. But they are thin and the strength can only hold so long, as you rightly say. So in the end I kept it, in part because a web is a shortcut to getting at the ephemeral nature of life, even with it's strength.

I'm so impressed to hear you are writing letters; what a wonderful way to firm up those most important connections. Time is always fleeting by. You always seem to be making the best of your time, dear Prue.

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Sep 20Liked by Sabrina Simpson

Another beautiful piece, Sabrina, especially the line about being the world seemingly held together by gossamer (I am falling in love with that image, as I write this). Which reminds me, I also especially appreciated the photos you included. It sounds like you had an exceptional high school experience and it clearly created a strong foundation for the person you have evolved into today. And, yes, the world does feel ever-more precarious. So many institutions and ways of life we once took for granted, are breaking down under the pressure of cynicism and greed. So writing like this, which acknowledges how #$%'d up the world is, and yet how still so beautiful, is a tonic.

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Thank you for your kind words Lisa! I'm glad it was overall a tonic; I try not to add to the misery of the world! It is a struggle some days, for sure, not to wallow. Focusing on the beauty still in the world is my best antidote.

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Sep 19Liked by Sabrina Simpson

I have so many feelings from reading your words. Happy to connect with my sisters and heartbroken to lose the ones we’ve lost.

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Thanks so much for letting me know Amy. We did have such a tight knit group that losing anyone is felt by all. Hoping to reconnect IRL next year!

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Sep 19Liked by Sabrina Simpson

Like Carol, this wonderful piece totally pulled me in and resonated so completely! I am so grateful for the serendipity that brought us all together during those years, which in so many ways were truly magical. Thank you for writing this and for shining light on the beauty of all of the myriad paths we have all taken over the last many years. Here’s to celebrating those paths now and in the years to come!

Also your photographs are stunningly beautiful!

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Thanks so much Martha, I really appreciate you saying that. And yes, I hope to be able to enjoy these renewed connections for many more years.

Thanks for mentioning the photos too: picking out the right ones to illustrate the essay was a fun but challenging part of the process.

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A beautiful and tender read, Sabrina. At once, sad and uplifting. The photographs are gorgeous too and provide a narrative of their own. Thank you for writing and sharing <3

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Thanks so much for letting me know Jayne. It came straight out of my heart so I guess the tenderness shows. And it was a fun task to match the photos to the words...(Searching through my photos using the key word 'stars' yielded nothing 🤦🏽‍♀️)

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The tenderness does show, and beautifully so <3

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